just like every0ne else,
i have my 0wn l0ve too...
i l0ve s0meone,
but the pr0blem is,
he never kn0w about that...
should i c0nfess to him about my feeling?
i'm scared cause i kn0w he'll never accept me
cause i am, hani shafida a girl that totally different fr0m him.
funny t0 say this, but acctually i'm in l0ve with u.
can i say that to him?
really2 funny...
it's too late, dear...
i'll never saw him anymore after this
am i stupid?
i don't care if everyone said that i am a stupid girl
cause l0ve is acctually a stupid 0ne..
am i right?
d0 you really l0ve him?
my answer is simple
yes, i d0...
huhu...cintailah Allah S.W.T melebihi kamu mencintai manusia...dan cintai lah diri kamu sendiri lebih dari manusia lain...kelak ia sangat membantu..hahah
ReplyDeletehehe.. btl2.. cintailah Allah s.w.t yg sememangnya Maha Penyayang dan Pengasih kpd semua umat-Nya. huhu... terima kasih ats peringatan itu... walau kasih dan cinta sekalipun kpd sesama manusia, jgn sesekali lupa untuk lebih mencintai-Nya...sem0ga dilimpahi rahmat-Nya selalu... amin...:)